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Monday, October 19, 2009

A Passion for Mathematics

"There is really only good advise: Read it!" (Zentralblatt MATH, 1112-7)

Product Description
A Passion for Mathematics is an educational, entertaining trip through the curiosities of the math world, blending an eclectic mix of history, biography, philosophy, number theory, geometry, probability, huge numbers, and mind-bending problems into a delightfully compelling collection that is sure to please math buffs, students, and experienced mathematicians alike. In each chapter, Clifford Pickover provides factoids, anecdotes, definitions, quotations, and captivating challenges that range from fun, quirky puzzles to insanely difficult problems. Readers will encounter mad mathematicians, strange number sequences, obstinate numbers, curious constants, magic squares, fractal geese, monkeys typing Hamlet, infinity, and much, much more. A Passion for Mathematics will feed readers’ fascination while giving them problem-solving skills a great workout!

See all Editorial Reviews
Product Details

* Paperback: 408 pages
* Publisher: Wiley (July 12, 2005)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0471690988
* ISBN-13: 978-0471690986


How to Do Everything Adobe Illustrator CS4

How to Do Everything Adobe Illustrator CS4
McGraw-Hill Osborne Media 337 Pages ISBN: 0071603107 PDF 8.5 MB

Maximize the power of the number-one vector graphics program. This full-color guide is perfect for designers and artists looking to master the most powerful graphics program available. Whether new to the software or upgrading from an earlier version, you will learn how to use the most important features of the latest version and create print, Web, and motion graphics.

The examples in the book demonstrate how to develop logos, editorial and book illustrations, page layouts, magazine ads, business graphs and charts, and more. The book takes you step-by-step through the process of creating various types of illustrations, and demonstrates professional techniques, shortcuts, and solutions.

About the Author

Sue Jenkins is a Web and graphic designer, illustrator, teacher, photographer, and artist. She is an Adobe Certified Expert, an Adobe Certified Instructor, and the author of several Web design books.

Virtual Tutorial For ArchiCAD 12 DVD

Year: 2009 Language: English Video: QuickTime - avc1 - H.264 Audio: mp4a, MPEG-4 AAC LC, 22050Hz 32 kb / s, mono (1 / 0)

The Virtual Tutor Series of training DVD's has assisted people in learning and using ArchiCAD efficiently since Version 6.5. six editions and nearly a decade later the tutorial disks have grown from CD's to DVD's. Tips on how to use the tools, create documentation, render scenes, file management, explanations of environments and general tips all go into each Virtual Tutor.

kode kode unlock pada Handphone (Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Phillips )

Berikut ini adalah kunci kode tombol rahasia yang dapat anda jalankan sendiri dengan mengetiknya di keypad hp ponsel anda yang bermerek Nokia baik yang cdma maupun yang gsm ;

1. Melihat IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
Caranya tekan * # 0 6 #

2. Melihat versi software, tanggal pembuatan softwre dan jenis kompresi software
Caranya tekan * # 0 0 0 0 #
Jika tidak berhasil coba pencet * # 9 9 9 9 #

3. Melihat status call waiting
Caranya tekan * # 4 3 #

4. Melihat nomor / nomer private number yang menghubungi ponsel anda
Caranya tekan * # 3 0 #

5. Menampilkan nomer pengalihan telepon all calls
Caranya tekan * # 2 1 #

6. Melihat nomor penelepon pada pengalihan telepon karena tidak anda jawab (call divert on)
Caranya tekan * # 6 1 #

7. Melihat nomor penelepon pada pengalihan telepon karena di luar jangkauan (call divert on)
Caranya tekan * # 6 2 #

8. Melihat nomor penelepon pada pengalihan telepon karena sibuk (call divert on)
Caranya tekan * # 6 7 #

9. Merubah logo operator pada nokia type 3310 dan 3330
Caranya tekan * # 6 7 7 0 5 6 4 6 #

10. Menampilkan status sim clock
Caranya tekan * # 7 4 6 0 2 5 6 2 5 #

11. Berpindah ke profil profile ponsel anda
Caranya tekan tombol power off tanpa ditahan

12. Merubah seting hp nokia ke default atau pabrikan
Caranya tekan * # 7 7 8 0 #

13. Melakukan reset timer ponsel dan skor game ponsel nokia
Caranya tekan * # 7 3 #

14. Melihat status call waiting
Caranya tekan * # 4 3 #

15. Melihat kode pabrik atau factory code
Caranya tekan * # 7 7 6 0 #

16. Menampilkan serial number atau nomer seri hp, tanggal pembuatan, tanggal pembelian, tanggal servis terakhir, transfer user data. Untuk keluar ponsel harus direset kembali.
Caranya tekan * # 92702689 #

17. Melihat kode pengamanan ponsel anda
Caranya tekan * # 2 6 4 0 #

18. Melihat alamat ip perangkat keras bluetooth anda
Caranya tekan * # 2 8 2 0 #

19. Mengaktifkan EFR dengan kualitas suara terbaik namun boros energi batere. Untuk mematikan menggunakan kode yang sama.
Caranya tekan * # 3 3 7 0 #

20. Mengaktifkan EFR dengan kualitas suara terendah namun hemat energi batere. Untuk mematikan menggunakan kode yang sama.
Caranya tekan * # 4 7 2 0 #

21. Menuju isi phone book dengan cepat di handphone nokia
Caranya tekan nomer urut lalu # contoh : 150#

22. Mengalihkan panggilan ke nomor yang dituju untuk semua panggilan
Caranya tekan * * 2 1 * Nomor Tujuan #

23. Mengalihkan panggilan ke nomor yang dituju untuk panggilan yang tidak terjawab
Caranya tekan * * 6 1 * Nomor Tujuan #

24. Mengalihkan panggilan ke nomor yang dituju untuk panggilan ketika telepon hp anda sedang sibuk
Caranya tekan * * 6 7 * Nomor Tujuan #

Keterangan Tambahan :
- Kode diinput tanpa spasi
- Ada kode-kode nokia yang berlaku pada tipe tertentu saja


Berikut ini adalah kunci kode tombol rahasia yang dapat anda jalankan sendiri dengan mengetiknya di keypad hp ponsel anda yang bermerek Sony Ericsson.

1. Melihat IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
Caranya tekan * # 0 6 #

2. Merubah bahasa menjadi bahasa inggris / english
Caranya tekan * # 0 0 0 0 #

3. Mengunci sim card agar tidak bisa mengganti simcard
Caranya tekan < * * <> * < < * < *

Tambahan : kode diinput tanpa spasi


Berikut ini adalah kunci kode tombol rahasia yang dapat anda jalankan sendiri dengan mengetiknya di keypad hp ponsel anda yang bermerek Philips.

1. Reset hp philips
Caranya tekan * # 3 3 5 3 * #

2. Mengaktifkan GPRS Kelas B handphone Philips
Caranya tekan * # 7 2 5 2 * #

3. Mengaktifkan GPRS Kelas C handphone Philips
Caranya tekan * # 7 2 2 4 * #

4. Mengaktifkan GPRS Kelas 1 handphone Philips
Caranya tekan * # 7 2 7 1 * #

5. Mengaktifkan GPRS Kelas 4 handphone Philips
Caranya tekan * # 7 2 7 4 * #

6. Mengaktifkan CSD GSM Kelas C handphone Philips
Caranya tekan * # 7 2 2 2 * #

7. Mengaktifkan GPRS Attach handphone Philips
Caranya tekan * # 7 2 7 6 * #

8. Mengaktifkan EFR dan mematikan EFR handphone Philips
Caranya tekan * # 3 3 7 * #

9. Menampilkan kondisi EEPROMP batre dan radio handphone Philips
Caranya tekan * # 3 3 7 7 * #

10. Merubah status GPRS Attach menjadi Attached handphone Philips
Caranya tekan * # 7 2 8 7 * #

11. Merubah status GPRS Attach menjadi Try Attached handphone Philips
Caranya tekan * # 7 2 8 8 * #

12. Menampilkan RSAV handphone Philips
Caranya tekan * # 7 7 2 8 * #

13. Menampilkan KCGPRS handphone Philips
Caranya tekan * # 7 5 2 4 * #

14. Menampilkan SIM Phase handphone Philips
Caranya tekan * # 7 5 6 2 * #

15. Menampilkan POOL MAX handphone Philips
Caranya tekan * # 7 6 2 9 * #

16. Menampilkan Code Bugging dari sleep mode handphone Philips
Caranya tekan * # 7 6 3 2 * #

17. Menampilkan cluster aktif handphone Philips
Caranya tekan * # 7 7 3 3 * #

18. Menampilkan kode cluster handphone Philips
Caranya tekan * # 7 3 4 3 * #

19. Menampilkan isi registrasi software handphone Philips
Caranya tekan * # 7 3 5 2 * #

20. Melakukan setting sms bearer GPRS/GSM handphone Philips
Caranya tekan * # 7 7 6 2 * #

21. Menampilkan info produk handphone Philips
Caranya tekan * # 7 7 6 3 * #

22. Menampilkan versi produk handphone Philips
Caranya tekan * # 7 7 6 6 * #

23. Menampilkan option aksesoris untuk vibrator handphone Philips
Caranya tekan * # 7 3 2 6 * #

23. Melakukan master reset handphone Philips (simcard dilepas dulu)
Caranya tekan * # 7 3 3 7 * #

Tambahan : kode diinput tanpa spasi


*#06# show IMEI number

*#9999# show software version

*#0001# display RS232 serial communication parameter setup

*#8999*228# display battery capacity and temperature / voltage

*523# adjust display contrast

*636# display storage capacity

*778# display SIM card information

*324# The network checkout (engineering model)

*289# ringtone test

*364# Display Watchdog state

*427# WATCHDOG signal route setup

*842# Vibrate test

*782# show date and alarm clock

*246# show the memory capacity

*544# don't know what is this

*638# show network information

*786# The display during warning

*837# Samsung hardware version

*377# Software error LOG (wrong display of EEPROM)

*9266# display received channel number and received intensity

*2767*2878# Delete telephone phonebook directory and

Phone Unlock v7.1 5.26 MB

Most phones will need a data cable to connect your Handset to the PC.
Most models catered for
- Ericsson: (virtually all models covered)
- LG: (virtually all models covered)
- Mitsibushi: (virtually all models covered)
- Motorola: (virtually all models covered)
=> also V3 - Black, Blue, Green, Pink & Silver....

- NEC: (virtually all models covered)
- Nokia: (virtually all models covered)
- Panasonic: (virtually all models covered)
- Philips: (virtually all models covered)
- Sagem: (virtually all models covered)
- Samsung: (virtually all models covered)
- Sharp: (Inc. GX’s) (virtually all models covered)
- Siemens: (virtually all models covered)
- Sony: (virtually all models covered)

You can do the upgrade at home/work with a USB cable in 20 minutes
all you require is a 'USB to mini-USB' cable to connect your V3 Handset to the PC this cable is normally provided with your phone.

Operation iWolf 2.1 iPhone iPod Touch

Operation iWolf 2.1 iPhone iPod Touch 9,15 MB

Operation iWolf is a new and exciting FPS arcade game for the Iphone. With a mix of classic gameplay and modern graphics it puts the player into a high voltage battlefield. The year is 2011, and the word is in turmoil. HEAVEN, an underground united terrorist group founded by unknown financial resources has launched a series of attacks all over the world. Their purpose is to control the world order through international terrorism. PMC, Private Mercenary Corporations is an UN authorized network of private light armies and mercenary companies, hired by governments for emergency counter terrorist operations. GATO, Global Anti-Terrorism Organization is jointly formed by nations and PMCs, dedicated to quickly respond to cross-nation terrorist threats and to eliminate the HEAVEN forces. You, a former elite soldier in the US marine, and a new member of GATO Special Tactical Unit is now being assigned a secret operation.

Download Links
Uploading Hotfile

Black, Gothic, Doom & Metal Fonts

Black, Gothic, Doom & Metal Fonts255 Fonts TTF 26 MB

Amazing Cartoon Fonts(200 )

15 Cool Fonts


Gold Font Collection for Designers.

Letterhead Font Pack

New Fonts Collection


Umbrella Fonts Family


Photoshop Styles – Jewellery Collections

With the Photoshop Jewelry-Style Collection, creating great-looking designs is easy:
1. Download the file
2. Open the file in Photoshop
3. Choose the typing tool
4. Double-click the text layer then start typing

74 Hair Brushes For Photoshop

Cracks and Cuts - Photoshop Brushes

Cracks and Cuts - Photoshop Brushes
45 Brushes abr 4.6 Mb


120,000 Adobe Photoshop Shapes ++

120.000 Adobe Photoshop Shapes .
All kind of sorts like; Basic, Mixed, Brushes ...
The size of the pack is: 25MB .
Preview of some ( not all! )

Photoshop Action Scripts Covers

Photoshop Action Scripts Covers
50 Actions JPEG Preview for each 300 DPI 5.8 MB[/center]


Ambiance Wave Brushes For Photoshop


Adobe Photoshop Elements v8.0 Multilanguage (ISO)

Adobe Photoshop Elements v8.0 Multilanguage 1.2 GB

Download now the new version of Adobe Photoshop Elements 8, the best award winning software that combines power and simplicity.

Adobe Photoshop Elements 8, is the new version that Adobe has just released this more powerful, photo and video editor for Windows and Mac

Adobe Photoshop Elements 8 manages to combine perfectly the powerful editing tools of Photoshop very well-known, with great simplicity that the various filters and incorporated automatic actions to achieve it.

Among the improvements and new features that are included in this New Adobe Photoshop Elements 8, undoubtedly we should point your new Organizer that lets you find any digital media (images, videos, etc..) Far more power and ease . Although what undoubtedly will be one of the most celebrated by future users, is their new facial recognition engine. That alone will only identify the faces of people who appear in photographs, greatly facilitating any editing action.

OS: Windows XP/Vista/7

Sunday, October 18, 2009

PC Hardware Tuning and Acceleration

From choosing overclocking tools and setting the optimal mode to allowing the fulfillment of the potential of a PC's components, this reference discusses solutions to the problem of computers not performing well enough to accommodate requested tasks. Examined are the particular features of using processors, memory, video adapters, and hard drives both in moderate and extreme modes while trying to obtain a substantial rise in performance for both old computers and computers that contain more modern components. The results of testing computers with various configurations that have overclocked components are also demonstrated. A list of helpful web sites pertaining to acceleration is provided, as well as a guide to choosing components. Also covered are several advanced overclocking topics such as ways of making the CPU and motherboard compatible and the problems with overclocking IDE devices

Financial Valuation: Applications and Models

1369 pages Dec 12, 2006 ISBN:0471761176 PDF 22 Mb
"This Second Edition addresses virtually all of the recent hot topics in business valuation, and there are many of them since the first edition. Most chapters are updated with new material, including, especially, the Duff & Phelps Risk Premium Report as an alternative to Ibbotson's risk premium data. As with the first edition, the authors are very well-known and provide incisive analysis."

PHP Phrasebook

by Christian Wenz
320 pages Addison-Wesley Professional (October 6, 2005) 0672328178 CHM 5.6 Mb
If you were traveling in Spain, but couldn't speak Spanish very well, you'd probably carry a Spanish dictionary with you. If you are a PHP developer who needs a portable reference guide for frequent use in your job, the PHP Phrasebook is perfect for you. The PHP Phrasebook is actually a pocket guide that is jam-packed with useful and essential PHP code "phrases" for the PHP developer's everyday use.

The code is flexible, so it can be easily adapted to your needs and mulitple situations, and your time isn't wasted wading through chapters of tutorial lessons and extraneous information. The phrasebook covers PHP 5 and is relevant for PHP 4.

Scientific American (Special Edition) - Our Ever Changing Earth


ConceptDraw WebWave 5.8.1

ConceptDraw WebWave 5.8.1 57,85 Mb

The product is essential tool on the stage of web site/application prototyping and design, page mocking-up and site-mapping.

ConceptDraw WebWave includes more than 4590 ready-made graphics, shapes, templates and wizards for quickly creating professional diagrams and drawings. The application runs both on PC and Macintosh and allows seamless files exchange and provides obvious benefits to individual and corporate users.

Here are some key features of "ConceptDraw WebWave":

· Website file structure scanner
· Powerful drawing tools
· Extended export/import
· Autoconnectors and Smart objects
· MS Visio support
· Quick-start wizards
· Alpha-channel (transparency) Webpage real behavior imitation
· Colors scheme generator
· Site prototype builder
· Task-specific templates
· Collections of ready shapes
· Multipage document support


· Intel Pentium 166 MHz processor
· 128 MB of RAM
· 150 MB of hard drive space available

What's New in This Release:

· Compatibility with project management software
· MS Project and ConceptDraw Project
· Creation of a web site prototype presentation
· Improvements in web site mock-up development
· New 10 web page design templates

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Flash Effect Maker pro 3.5

Flash effect Maker is the great Flash effect tool to help web master design animated Flash intros, Flash banners, Flash ads, and any other Flash. With Flash effect Maker you can place your own photos as font front ground and page background. And then combine them with animated text, background effect to create fun Flash movies, all in just minutes.

The Flash Effect Maker enables you to create simple as well as complex Flash animations where by you can combine different fonts and Templates within a single Flash animation. Flash Effect Maker is very user-friendly, wide range effect Templates ready for use, and you don't need any Flash or programming skills to use it.

You can save SWF file to self-extracting EXE Flash Player, and than send it to your friends. The EXE Flash Player support set to wallpaper and screensaver also.

Photo Flash Maker Professional 5.01 [rapidshare]

Photo Flash Maker helps you create animated photo slide shows, make flash slideshows for MySpace, Blogger,eBay, and many social websites and blogs

Photo Flash Maker helps you create flash slideshows with photos, burn slideshows to gift CDDVD, build dynamic photo flash gallery, and share photo flash in MySpace, Blogger, and many social websites.

The flash slideshow builder offers you lots of basic and advanced flash templates and free web album hosting.


Make flash slideshows with photos and music
Create slideshow that can be embeded to MySpace, Blogger, and other social websites
Create flash photo gallery
Add MP3, WMA or WAV songs as background music, and grab sound track from CD
Create dynamic photo flash gallery with HTML, SWF and XML files
User-friendly interface is easy to use
Plenty of beautifully-designed flash templates
Burn photo flash to gift CDDVD
Freely upload Flash photo slideshow to Go2Album for sharing through the Internet

Portable Anim-FX 3.3 Flash Banner and Intro Builder Retail [RS]

Create Flash intros , Flash banners , and text effects with Flash templates from Anim-FX for your web site - fast and easy. Anim-FX is a very compact Flash tool based on a wide range of Flash templates. The unique thing about Anim-FX Flash intro and banner builder is that the positioning of the text and the number of text lines is flexible.


Multiline Flash animations
Flash animation templates
Unlimited character input
Jump to URL on click
Jump to URL on end of Flash animation
Loop/no loop, choose no. of loops
Define size of text
Target Frame
Define color of text
Define X & Y position of text
Define background color
Flash animations are easy to update
Small file sizes
Sound effects
Sound volume
Freeze end frame
Change Flash animation dimensions to any size
Excellent customer support
Compatible with Flash 5 and Flash MX
Compatible with HTML/Dreamweaver/Frontpage/Coolpage/ and any other html editors

How to search music on google

1) Enter Google: http://www.google.com/
2) Entering data in the search box:

?intitle:index.of? mp3 [artist]
- Replace [artist] with the artist/singer/band you’re looking for.

For example:
?intitle:index.of? mp3 “Bob Marley”
?intitle:index.of? mp3 “Bob Marley” Could you be loved
?intitle:index.of? mp3 “No Woman, No Cry”


How to Change Default in Media Player

Step : 1 Open your media files' folder on your computer. Click on the "Start" menu icon on your computer's taskbar. Locate your media files' folder and highlight the media file in the subfolder.

Step : 2 Access one of the media file's properties and settings. Right-click on the media file and select the "Properties" option. A pop-up dialog window will open with a list of internal options regarding your media file.

Step : 3 Choose the media player you'd like to use as your default player. At the top of the pop-up dialog window, the media file's file type will be listed, and directly below that, it will display what media player the file opens with. Click on the "Change" action, and select the new media player of your choice. (If the media player you are looking for is not listed, click on the "Browse" option and locate the media player on your computer's hard drive.)

Step : 4 Confirm your selection. Once you have located the media player of your choice, highlight the player's name and icon, and click "OK". Click "Apply" at the bottom of the pop-up dialog window.

Step : 5 Open one of your media files to double-check the changes. Double-click on one of the media files that you desire to open with the new, default media player. The media file should open in new default media player automatically

Back Pain causes and treatment

Back pain is a symptom. Pain arising from other organs may be felt in the back. This is called referred pain. Many intra-abdominal disorders-such as appendicitis, aneurysms, kidney diseases, bladder infections, pelvic infections, and ovarian disorders, among others-can cause pain referred to the back. Your doctor will have this in mind when evaluating your pain.

* Nerve root syndromes are those that produce symptoms of nerve impingement (a nerve is touched), often due to a herniation (or bulging) of the disc between the lower back bones. Sciatica is an example of nerve root impingement. Impingement pain tends to be sharp, in one spot, and ***ociated with numbness in the area of the leg that the affected nerve supplies.

o Herniated discs are produced as the spinal discs degenerate or grow thinner. The jellylike central portion of the disc bulges out of the central cavity and pushes against a nerve root. Intervertebral discs begin to degenerate by the third decade of life. Herniated discs are found in a third of adults older than 20. Only 3% of these, however, produce symptoms of nerve impingement.

o Spinal stenosis occurs as intervertebral discs lose moisture and volume with age, which decreases the disc spaces. Even minor trauma under these circumstances can cause inflammation and nerve root impingement, which can produce cl***ic sciatica without disc rupture.

o Spinal degeneration is caused by alterations in the disc that progress to degeneration. This, coupled with disease in joints of the low back, causes spinal canal narrowing. These changes in the disc and the joints produce symptoms and can be seen on an x-ray. A person with spinal degeneration may have morning stiffness or pain while standing for a long time or walking even short distances.

o Cauda equina syndrome is a medical emergency. Disc material expands into the spinal canal, which compresses the nerves. A person would experience pain, possible loss of sensation, and bowel or bladder dysfunction. This could include inability to control urination causing incontinence, or the inability to begin urination.

* Musculoskeletal pain syndromes that produce low back pain include myofascial pain syndromes and fibromyalgia.

o Myofascial pain is characterized by pain and tenderness over localized areas (trigger points), loss of range of motion in the involved muscle groups, and pain radiating in a characteristic distribution but restricted to a peripheral nerve. Relief of pain is often reported when the involved muscle group is stretched.

o Fibromyalgia results in pain and tenderness on 11 of 18 trigger points when touched, one of which is the low back area, as cl***ified by the American College of Rheumatology. Generalized stiffness, fatigue, and muscle ache are reported.

Medical Treatment

Initial treatment of low back pain is ****d on the ***umption that the pain in about 90% of people will go away on its own in about a month. Many different treatment options are available. Some of them have been proven to work. Others are of more questionable use.

Home care is recommended for the initial treatment of low back pain. Bed rest remains of unproven value, and most experts recommend no more than 2 days of bed rest or decreased activity. Some people with sciatica may benefit from 2-4 days of rest. Application of local ice and heat provide relief for some people and should be tried. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are useful for controlling pain.

* Many studies have called into question the usefulness of our present treatment of back pain. For any given person, it is not known if a particular therapy will provide benefit until it is tried. Your doctor may try treatments known to be helpful in the past.

Blood Test Tries to Detect Flu Before a Fever

Blood Test Tries to Detect Flu Before a Fever

Duke University is Trying Blood Tests to Detect the Flu Before Symptoms Appear
Coughed on by somebody with the flu? Duke University researchers are developing a test to determine — with a mere drop of blood — who will get sick before the sniffling and fever set in. And they're turning to hundreds of dorm-dwelling freshmen this fall to see if it works.

It's a novel experiment: Students report daily whether they have any cold or flu symptoms. If they do, a team swoops in to test not just the sneezer but, more importantly, seemingly healthy friends and hallmates who might be incubating the infection.

"We're redefining the definition of being ill," says Col. Geoffrey Ling, a physician with the Defense Research Projects Agency, the Defense Department's research arm, which came up with the idea.

The reason: The military faces huge problems when flu or other viruses sweep through crowded barracks, and knowing an outbreak was brewing could allow them to separate and protect those not infected. We're not just talking about the challenge of replacing fevered soldiers on the day's patrol. Your body may be slowing down even before that fever erupts, as it tries to fight off a brewing virus.

And flu is con***ious up to 24 hours before people show symptoms, one of the insidious ways that it spreads.

"If you've got a group of people living together and you can identify who's likely to become sick, you can much more efficiently use whatever your intervention is — a vaccine, an antiviral — to prevent disease," explains Duke infectious disease specialist Dr. Christopher Woods.
Respiratory viruses sweep through crowded college dorms just as easily as military squads, and with the new swine flu — the 2009 H1N1 strain — targeting mostly the young, Duke scientists may learn sooner than they had hoped just how well their experimental test really works.

It's ****d on a simple principle: Your immune system revs up to fight infection long before you show symptoms or before today's tests could detect the actual virus in your body. The Duke team discovered a so-called genomic fingerprint, a pattern of subtle molecular changes as genes are activated to fight viral respiratory infections.

5 Ways to Beef Up Your Brain

5 Ways to Beef Up Your Brain

Weighing in at an average of 2.7 pounds (1,200 grams), the human brain packs a whopping 100 billion neurons. Every minute, about three soda-cans worth of blood flow through the brain. Credit: dreamstime.
Full Size 1 of 1

Weighing in at an average of 2.7 pounds (1,200 grams), the human brain packs a whopping 100 billion neurons. Every minute, about three soda-cans worth of blood flow through the brain. Credit: dreamstime.
Forget where you left your keys this morning? Or maybe you left your umbrella in the office before a rainy evening.

Don't worry, it's probably not a sign of Alzheimer's — everyone is a little forgetful now and then.

But the prevalence of Alzheimer's and other types of dementia, which slowly deteriorate the brain's capacity to make new memories, retrieve older ones and perform other mental and physical tasks, is on the rise as the baby boomer generation hits retirement age. A 2007 Alzheimer's ***ociation report estimated that more than 5 million Americans were currently living with the disease and that that total could reach 16 million by 2050.

Scientists are still trying to unravel the many mysteries of the brain — how our brain processes information, how memory works, how the brain ages and how diseases like Alzheimer's develop — so that we better understand our own minds and how to keep them healthy.

But while there is still a lot to learn about our noggins, several studies have worked out a few ways to help keep your thinking organ in shape, now and as you age.

1. Eat Your Brain Food

You are what you eat, or at least your brain is. A diet of junk food can junk up your brain, as things like trans fats and saturated fats, common in heavily processed foods, can negatively affect the brain's synapses. Synapses connect the brains neurons and are important to learning and memory. On the other hand, a balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids — found in salmon, walnuts and kiwi fruit — can give the synapses a boost and help fight against mental disorders from depression to dementia.

2. Hit the Gym

Giving the rest of your body a workout can also improve your memory, make you think more clearly and decrease the risk of developing cognitive diseases, several studies have suggested. Because exercise is a mild stressor to your body, eating up the precious energy needed by the brain, it triggers the release of chemicals called growth factors that make the brain's neurons stronger and healthier. Half an hour every other day will do it, experts say. And don't forget to stretch: Stretching can help reduce stress, which can impact the memory centers of your brain.

3. Mind Benders

Give your brain a workout, too, with brainteasers, crossword puzzles and memory games — studies have shown that using these tools to stay mentally active can reduce the risks of developing dementia by building and maintaining a reserve of stimulation in your brain. Even following the current political campaign can provide a boost to the systems that control attention and learning that are hard-wired into the brain.

4. Memory tricks

Keeping information stored in your memory banks and retaining that memory with age may also be a simple matter of mind control. For example, confidence in your cognitive abilities could actually affect how well your memory functions, particularly for the elderly. Because some older adults tend to blame memory lapses on age, regardless of whether or not that is the cause, they can keep themselves from even really trying to remember. Prediction can also enhance memory: If you have a good idea of the information you'll need to recall later, you're more likely to remember it.

5. Give it a Rest

Sleep gives your brain a chance to replay the memories of the day and consolidate them for long-term storage. One study suggested that the brain can do its reviewing much faster when you're asleep than when you're wide awake — so no more all-nighters, students. A 90-minute mid-afternoon nap can even help solidify long-term memories, such as events or skills you are trying to master. Siesta anyone?

Of course, none of these mind-enhancing tips is fool-proof. Some studies have suggested that developing Alzheimer's and other types of dementia is partly a matter of genetics.

One such study, presented in July at the Alzheimer's ***ociation's International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease, hinted at a connection between mothers who develop Alzheimer's and the chances their children will become afflicted in old age. Another suggests that having a specific pattern of proteins is a risk factor for the debilitating disease.

But for now, no one can predict exactly who will or won't develop dementia. While scientists work on better indicators and cures, doing your own part to keep your body and brain healthy is probably the best you can do.

Tips To Fight Tension Headache

Occasional headache can be tolerated, but it is difficult to accept headache as the way of life. Even a minor headache has a telling effect on your life and day-to-day activities. You are just unable to do anything with proper concentration. It will be the cause for your recurring tension. It is also likely to create a deep-psychological effect on your life as such.

Every type of headache has a reason. It is necessary for you to make the self-analysis and come to the root cause of your headache. If you are able to trace it out, you are very lucky. Many a times, your headache could have hidden causes that you can not dream in your wildest imaginations!

Say, yours is a tension type headache. Let’s know how you can win the forte against the tension headache.

Your first job is only to analyze the cause(s) of tension and to find the remedies one by one. Solve one issue at a time. Ask yourself the related, important questions. Do you exercise daily? If not, why? Are you the junk food addict? Terminate this habit, without any hesitation. Are you a chain smoker? Curtail the power of this nicotine before it declares the martial law, and strips you of all your powers. Now, come to your eating habit. Are you taking enough fruits and vegetables…the seasonal and the fresh ones?

Monitoring the above mentioned aspects of your daily life pattern, you will find noticeable changes in your standard of life within a fortnight or so. Thus, you are in a position to reduce the impact of the tension headache.

Once the situation is brought under your control by keeping yourself away from the negative influences, the path ahead will become easy to traverse. Once the root cause of your tension headache is treated, the surrounding influences around your tension headache will wither away automatically. Headache will not come near you once you start living intelligently.

Prevention is better than cure. Having taken the steps detailed above, decide that you will never have a tension headache again. Learn the art of going placidly, amidst the noise and din. On the practical side, sleep well, do your exercises, and drink plenty of water.

You will be the health-gainer, day by day. Your tension headache will be the thing of the past, because now you know, what the right type of living is.

Study about children and sugar

Children who eat sweets and chocolate every day are more likely to be violent as adults Children who eat sweets and chocolate every day are more likely to be violent as adults, according to UK researchers. The Cardiff University study involving 17,500 people is the first into effects of childhood diet on adult violence. It found 10-year-olds who ate sweets daily were significantly more likely to have a violence conviction by age 34. Researchers suggested they had not learnt to delay gratification, but other experts said already "difficult" children might be given more sweets. The researchers looked at data on around 17,500 people and found that 69% of the participants who were violent at the age of 34 had eaten sweets and chocolate nearly every day during childhood, compared to 42% who were non-violent. Delinquents This link between confectionery consumption and later aggression remained even after controlling for other factors such as parenting behaviour, the area where the child lived, not having educational qualifications after the age of 16 and whether they had access to a car when they were 34. The researchers put forward several explanations for the link including the idea that the confectionery makes the adult addicted to certain additives and that these may contribute towards adult aggression. The study was reported in the British Journal of Psychiatry. Stunted learning Dr Simon Moore, who led the study, has carried out previous research on young offenders. He was aware that they tend to have very poor diets including lots of confectionery - but was intrigued to find the link. He said: "Our favoured explanation is that giving children sweets and chocolate regularly may stop them learning how to wait to obtain something they want. "Not being able to defer gratification may push them towards more impulsive behaviour, which is strongly associated with delinquency. "Targeting resources at improving children's diet may improve health and reduce aggression." Professor Alan Maryon-Davis, president of the UK Faculty of Public Health, said: "Another explanation is that children who are already more demanding, aggressive and 'difficult' are more likely to be given sweets and chocolates to keep them quiet for a while. "It is an interesting area that needs looking into a little more deeply." Julian Hunt, Food and Drink Federation (FDF) director of communications, said: "This is either utter nonsense or a very bad April Fool's Day joke. "Anti-social behaviour stems from deep-rooted social and environmental factors, such as poor parenting and a deprived upbringing, and is not linked to whether or not you ate sweeties as a kid. "How anyone could leap to such a conclusion is beyond me." But Dr Simon Moore said: "We are fairly confident that this is a realistic relationship - the key is explaining what the mechanism is behind this relationship. "We think that rewarding bad behaviour in childhood with confectionary can lead to later problems but we need to look at this more closely." BBC NEWS Health

The smartest cancer advice

The smartest cancer advice you’ve ever heard

These doctors treat the disease — and have beat it themselves

Surviving cancer was a life-changing experience for these top cancer experts, even though they'd spent their careers helping patients fight the illness — and thought they knew everything they needed to know to beat the disease. "When you're the patient, you learn a lot about what it really takes to keep yourself healthy," admits Carolyn Runowicz, MD, director of the Carole and Ray Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Connecticut. "Things like eating well and exercising regularly suddenly seem like a matter of life and death." Here, she and two other cancer survivors reveal how they coped with treatment, how they stay well, and what we all should be doing to protect ourselves now. c

Boost your resistance to winter woes with vitamin C

To build a healthy immune system this coming winter, make sure your diet includes plenty of natural vitamin C. This powerful antioxidant plays a central role in the repair and regeneration of tissues, and helps protect cells throughout the body. Good food sources of vitamin C that are abundant and can be enjoyed all year long include (raw not cooked): broccoli, cantaloupe, kiwi, oranges, peppers, pineapple, pink g****fruit, and strawberries

3 ways to naturally grow taller ^_^

Play Sports
There are several ways you can force your body to produce human growth hormone regardless of your ages. Resistance training such as sprints, swimming, cycling and playing basketball has been known as the most effective training that can prompt body to produce growth hormone in massive quantity. The best workouts to recommend is swimming. Swimming is the mother of exercise to grow taller.

If you are serious on how to get taller naturally than the first step to take is begin doing stretching exercises. This is good news for anyone who wishes to grow taller because it is available for anyone to do at no cost. Some of such stretches that help grow taller are bridges, toe touching, hanging and others. A simple device which can be used to help with stretching is an inversion table. This can help release tension between the discs and vertebrae. Other advantages of using these mechanisms include increasing the blood flow to the brain and relieving back pain.

Diet and Nutrition
Diet and nutrition is one of the great ways to grow taller, you can actually grow taller by eating specific food supplements enriched with calcium, phosphor, iron, zinc, copper and magnesium. By following certain eating habits and along with proper exercising you can add a significant amount of inches to your body fairly quickly. You can easily use diet to help stimulate growth as there are specific foods to eat to grow taller and believed to be high in the nutrients that help you to get taller. Proteins, Vitamins, and Minerals are very important for the development of your body and its good health. Make sure you are not missing any.

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Antivirus Collection CD 22.09.2009

Antivirus Collection CD 22.09.2009 670 Mb


AVG Antivirus Firwall 8.5
BitDefender Antivirus 2010 (32 bit)
BitDefender Internet Security 2010 (32 bit)
Kaspersky Antivirus 2010
Kaspersky Internet Security 2010
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise v8.7i Retail
Norton Antivirus 2010 v17.0.0.136
Norton Internet Security 2010 v17.0.0.136

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware v1.41
SUPER Anti Spyware Pro V4.29
Trojan Remover v6.8.1.2588
USB Disk Security v5.2.0.5

McAfee Total Protection 2009

One thing that has always made me wonder is why would people ever used a cracked copy of an Internet Security package? Surely that could risk a security threat itself?

Well let me give you my free 12 month copy of McAfee Total Internet Security which will leave you protected with a 100% clean and free installation. I got this package with a new computer, and it downloads a fully up-to-date installation package, then installs the entire Total Internet Security suite followed by the activation wizard which informs you that you have 12 months free with your new computer all you have to do is make an account with McAfee (which doesnt even have to be genuine details).

McAfee® Total Protection™ is hassle-free, all-you-need security ideal for people who are constantly online for communication, shopping, banking, trading or viewing entertainment. It features the award-winning McAfee SiteAdvisor® Plus web security tool that warns about and blocks risky web sites. McAfee Total Protection protects your family and entire network of PCs from viruses, spyware, hackers, identity thieves, and online scammers. It also offers parental controls.

McAfee® Total Protection™ is now available with revolutionary Active Protection technology, providing immediate protection against malicious threats to your PC. A new threat can be analyzed and blocked in milliseconds, rather than waiting hours for traditional techniques. Active Protection is the best technology to keep you safe from emerging online threats.

With unmatched performance, McAfee® Total Protection™ runs silently in the background without slowing down your PC, boasting faster start-up, shut-down and scan times.

McAfee’s security products use award-winning technology, are easy to install, and come with unlimited email and chat assistance. With continuous and automatic updates, McAfee ensures that you’re running the most current security to combat the ever-evolving threats on the Internet for the duration of your subscription.

An Internet connection is required to install this software and to receive automatic updates and upgrades to keep your security up to date. You may install this product on up to 3 computers in your home.

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